Become A Retailer
Interested in selling our amazing chocolates in your store?
Please contact us and we will discuss which products you are interested in selling. Once we determine which of our products you are interested in, we will provide you with a Wholesale Price List. Any restock orders will come to us directly, not through the website. Distributors can purchase any refill flavors at the current wholesale rate. Prices are subject to change, in the event we have to adjust pricing, distributors will be notified in advance with a revised price list. A link to your website/store will be included on our “Where to Buy” page on Willy Pete’s Website.We are also available on FAIRE:
Our chocolates are now available to purchase wholesale on Faire. The link to our shop is willypeteschocolates.faire.comContact Information: Bryan Chiarappi (Owner) 860-878-0302